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Open Cbox
Thursday, April 18, 2013 8:57 PM

It has been long. Very long that time stretched across galaxies since I have last updated.
"New" shoes bought at the start of the year. It is a Puma Faas and it has been giving quite a fair number of blisters everywhere.

Let's pray that I will get triple gold again for my last Track & Field event in my secondary school life.

Saturday, March 3, 2012 9:11 PM
Official Club Training

My coach: Mr G Elangovan
Club: Swift Athletics Association
Motto: Swift & Deadly

Life is complete. Training venue, every Saturday 4 - 6 pm @ Ngee Ann Poly track.
Yeah, it's blue.

National coach, Swift Athletics Association member, new Nike spikes, training with top school athletes and lot of competition chances. Keke, life is complete.

Monday, February 20, 2012 10:33 PM
New Shoes + Updates

I'm now kicking on full gear in preparation for 28th March.
400m - 56.25s
What's full gear without gear? (Pun intended)

Nike Zoom Rival S IV:

Nike Lunar Elite:

LOL. My Nikes are so damn sexy. Way better than all the women in the world. JKJK.

Here is another one: Li Ning (China brand, sucks & some more so exx)

Feet size US 10 and growing. UGH. Bigfoot.

I can finally sprint 400m without feeling any fatigue at all! Think that 17th Feb I had finally broken the one minute barrier. I know I might sound "damn! you so noob!" but it's really a great achievement for me. I think I will be in cross country for another few years and it's time to let go of the 100m tagline. Changing of blog banner soon I guess?
It has been a great start in the year 2012, I had achieved my "man" shape since I started working out last year. I had a great coach who is the women's long distance record holder, I have a dedicated friend who also love sports. I have come a long way, learning a whole lot of new stuff. I may be dumb and lack proficiency in sports, seeing people younger than me are faster when I was in their age but I will work hard and clinch a national title. I just won't give up.

Signing off, enjoy the photo spam!

I can't, I won't compare myself with Michael Phelps, I'm on the track; he's in the water. We can't compare too much. He's the best in what he do.
— Usain Bolt

Saturday, February 11, 2012 6:44 PM
Another pair of spikes (hopefully)

It's been two years. I know that this is not the perfect spike for me. But it is brilliant. Now, I just can't wear it anymore.
My wish: from this
to this:

Nike rocks. No biases. Just by testing out all the brands and I've realised that Nike is still the number one choice. Anyone want to sponsor me a pair of Puma?
My pair of free running shoes also spoil liao. Should I get the $99 Puma Faas? I only have $30 as the time of the post.. :'(

Tuesday, February 7, 2012 9:31 PM
It's being such a long time..

I'm back. Alive and kicking hard. It's been close to three years since I started track as a devoted sport. Sad to say that it takes at 10, 000 hours of practice to master perfection, and I'm far away from that.

My feet has had gotten too big. Yeah. First feet, the arms and leg. Followed by torso and shoulders. Growing up, stronger and sharper. I guess I could say I have completed part 1 of stage 1 — the starting part block?

HAHAS. Track is tiring. You just repeat and repeat the same action over and over and over again. When the race comes.. BOOM! It only last slightly more than 10 seconds. And you are done. One year of training, just for that few seconds.

However, I LOVE track & field. There is something so captivating about it. Maybe I'm not a good swimmer so I want myself to be the best at land. Maybe it's the hard, pumping and exhilarating sprint that causes adrenaline to flow into your bloodstream. Maybe just for the fun, for health, for life or for the love.

2012 season is here. So here is another quote.

It's very lonely out there. No one is going to bother. The path is long and harsh. The pain is searing. And it's still worth the sweat and tears.
Time for me to get 2 new pair of shoes. I need my spikes to be able to fit my gigantic feet. Stupid Adidas just gave up on me in like one year. Budget? $100. Pathetic.

Oh well. Just you and me. Happie 22nd July in advance. I still love you. (:

Monday, October 3, 2011 9:19 PM
fall is here~

It's the favourite time of the year again! Autumn is here and I'm ready for a more intensive workout throughout till the next competition - Summer.

So a typical workout session should be something like below with discipline level one.

1. Squats (optional weights)
2. Leg split extension with knees touching the ground
3. Explosive step ups, optional weights
4. Box hops / Bunny jump
5. High knee skips
6. Frog leaps
7. Striding

Monday -
4x100m striding with 3 min break in between.
Core training with 50 repetitions with break allowance. Chin-up & circuit training. Cool down with 2.4km run

Running drills. (high knee, straight legs, vertical kick, heel to bum, leg swing and hop kicks)
Agility drills. (Jenny hop, high knee with double skip.) Finish off with 400m striding
Resistance training (50 pull up and 50 crunches)
Cool down with 800m high frequency stride

Speed drills (10x100m fly start and 5x200m burst)
Explosive training with starting acceleration
aerobic striding for 2.4km

Core training with crunches and push up
Hip extension with high elasticity exercise
1km fartlek

Full start with explosiveness
5x200m sprint with recovery
400m anaerobic run

High frequency 2.4km
bunny hops and squats

High energy meal. Relax.

Happy training :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011 10:36 PM
it's been a long time since?

it's been so long since i have posted some pictures. lately i'm enjoying some scenic photography, so no people inside and just the loveliness of the track :)

 The finish line with the the alluring cumulus clouds in the background

Perspective. I love the shadows casted on the track in contrast with the green field

Ground closeup, and the neat row of houses looks so miniature now :D

The weather is just so fine. You gotta love CCK stadium

a long break?

Oh hi. I haven't really practised sprinting for like two months?? LOL. I think I'm really caught up with schoolwork. HEYHEY don't start accusing me of being lazy okay! I have been through some long distance 3 times a week, running around CCK area and doing some resistance training.

So far I think my diet plan work(ed/ing). Goal is to eat breakfast everyday and consume less sugared stuff. I feel hungry all the time, idk. Problem meet with solution: eat more. Ya, I'm like eating and eating and eating a lot everyday and I am starting to feel more energied without the need of coffee. :D

ermerm. I guess I will be back on the track once my left arm recovers completely. Pain is the number one obstacle of running, shall I continue or rest for a period before I start training intensively?

There is only about 8 months left before the next track & field season plus will I run on sports day? c'mon give me a chance nah. Time will tell.

As athletes, we're used to reacting quickly. Here, it's 'come, stop, come, stop.' There's a lot of downtime. That's the toughest part of the day.
Michael Jordan

Wednesday, April 20, 2011 9:51 PM
Back for the 3rd time

First of all, I came in 92nd out of 120 people FREAKING WON! I beat all the rest 2488 athletes participating in the 52nd Inter School Track & Field Championship. Clearly, my official timing 13.03s is a major improvement of my last year 13.88s.

Who else can reduce their 100m timing by 0.85 seconds in a year? Usain Bolt didn't. Kang Yee Cher didn't. Even Amirul Sofian didn't. So I WON A GOLD MEDAL FOR THAT!

Anyways, my reflections for this year's is here as follows:

It's my 3rd time participating in the nationals... Yeah I know there is this girl who won the hurdles four time consecutively for each year. And for me, I don't really think I have the fast twitch muscles.. I thought this year I can run 10.58s but I couldn't. I was too proud of myself, my block start sucks because I only do so ONCE every year. I don't have a coach and the only time I can see my timing is the nationals. I can't film or video my running technique and see my problems because no one tells me. I badly need a companion.. haiz, someone who have interest in track?

So yeah, no medals for me because I'm forever at 75% bottom. BUT I want to praise myself because:
1. I have frigging big strides
2. My running technique is the smoothest of all
3. I show no signs of fatigue in the 100m (because I'm not even pushing myself)
4. I'm very disciplined, I train by myself, SOLO (who else see me or accompany me to train?)

And I need to train on my start explosiveness, the reaction time, the acceleration, the speed maintaining and upper body power.

Hence... a new pair of spikes? LOL. Here is my tag number for this year:

Tuesday, February 15, 2011 6:51 PM
adizero ace (eco green) :)

Nice heh? hehe :P bought it at $159

It's uber LITE! remarkable against my old "veteran" New Balance :)
Happy training with it! i freaking need to know how to spend money wisely cos the shoes are getting more and more expensive! from $70 to $95 to $159 now!! argh! i need a sponsor...

Monday, February 7, 2011 10:06 PM
Usain Bolt!! All the way!

Here's a couple of videos of Usain Bolt! The World's Fastest Man!
9.58s and 19.19s are his current 100m and 200m world best.

9.69 Questions (Interview With The Man)

Retrieved from: http://usainbolt.com/#/969questions/

Usain Bolt - The Best Thing Yet

Hope I will enjoy it! I think it is essential for an adrenalin rush before a race.

Saturday, February 5, 2011 9:56 AM
new balance 1002

I bought them after prize giving ceremony on the last day of school in November 2008.
I wore it and ran with it last time on 3rd February 2011.
This is my first pair of running shoes and I literally pwned, won, gained and achieved many victories and memories with it.
I love this pair so much, that I wear it during Sports Day, NAPFA and of course CCA - Cross Country. This pair of shoes worn out so much when I was in Sec 1, I cannot presume how much distance this pair of shoes ran with me, but definitely more than any pair of shoes I've worn.

So splendid!

Light and comfortable, more than my pair of Nike
Did I mention that I use it both for sprints and long distances?

It is very thin but it protects my whole feet

The "tarmac" soles, excellent grip on the road

Tuesday, January 25, 2011 5:50 PM
i still remember...

I still remember Kang Yee Cher on 14th July 2009 evening. He ran the 4x300m fourth leg, he overtook 6 people from 7th to 1st! Once he took his baton from the 3rd person, he sprinted like the "BATMAN"! Around the bend, he overtook the person like OHMIGOSH! In the end, he just flew to the finish. 1st place for Fuhua Primary School C'division boys.

I still remember on 22nd July 2009 afternoon, the 4x100m relay for A'division boys. And why the hell SST DSA must be on 18th July 2009? I missed the training and I ended up running the first leg. I was like blazing fast for the first leg, taking a huge gain but that Ashari walked to far from the exchange zone and he took the baton outside it. It was an automatic disqualification. Why? If everything goes well, I would have a silver medal! Even I ran the last leg, I would have at least get 3rd. I won't mind as long JPS did not get disqualified. Then the next day announcement won't be concealing the fact that we got disqualified! :(

Friday, January 21, 2011 5:20 PM
nooo!... i'm quite slacking :(

So today, I ran a total of 3.6 km in my best, okay it is the 2.8 km first part. I took about 14 mins 20 + seconds and 3 mins 5 seconds for the 800 m part. Geeesh. I feel so slack. Today is January 21st... By right I should be like chionging everyday liao...

Okay, some reminds for me:
Remember to massage the calf muscles, it really make my leg feel less sore!
90° or right angle for the elbow at all times, and full "ups" to my chin level...
Wait! Or it is I run better if I like Shahrir the fast guy like upper arm stay by the shoulder and only the wrist above part swing... That is like more awkward... Shall go try out :)

Friday, December 31, 2010 10:56 AM
photos and videos!

You can click "Info" to know more! :D

Saturday, December 18, 2010 1:53 PM
i ain't happy about it

I guess I'll just put the standards of the B'div 100m up. 11 seconds. Terrifying speed. Coach only say I 12 seconds... D:

Friday, December 17, 2010 6:40 PM
the harsh reality

I just went to http://www.schoolsports.sg/ and see the timings that I have to aim for year 2011 as I will be in the B'division competing with boys older than me by a year. This is what I found, it came down on me like a nightmare.


In order to qualify to the finals:
11.12 s to 11.70 s
Record: 10.80 s


In order to qualify to the finals:
22.59 s to 23.55 s
Record: 21.88 s

Furthermore, cross country distance is 4.6 km and my best timing is only 22 mins. Need at least 18 mins to get top 5. Worst case - it is a team event, your position determines your points. My teammates... I don't know what, not just me but the team is DOOMED!

HAIZXC... I dunno! It's only 3 to 4 months away!! I am stressed. I want to pause my other activities first. If not 2011 is another Armageddon for me.

Thursday, December 16, 2010 2:09 PM
200m ++ NR

Haha! Guess what? I broke my "Park Connector" 200m PB. Yea, I've being trying hard to break the 30 second barrier and I did it yesterday!

29.83 s

AWESOME! I feel so proud of myself because like 2009 my best was only 30 + something. So before the year 2010 ends, I want to beat my old record and I did it although on that day I was kinda tried.

 The first 150m was lightning fast for me as I didn't care about my stride length, I just went full repetition as fast as possible. In the last 50m I think I slowed down a lot lah, but still under 30 seconds!

PS. The park connector 200m have a tarmac surface and it's 200m ++ to 210m? My champion New Balance shoes were quite worn out (2 years if harsh running okay?) so 25 seconds should not be a problem if I'm wearing spikes. :P

Wednesday, December 1, 2010 10:36 PM
First Post!

Welcome to my 2nd of my 4 blogs. The 1st one is my personal one (original but dead), the 3rd is also a personal one but it's So Nyuh Shi Dae! I am currently working on my 4th one, about piano compositions. ^_^
I want to mark this blog as my athlete's diary or something like that. Every athlete need some motivation right? So I need to put everything into place, my facts, my tips and all the competition experiences into this blog. While this blog is still quite an empty shell, the layout is done but where are all my photos? I'll upload them into a slideshow on Flikr or Picasa soon. I need to put the encyclopedia full of advices, not only it will be easier for me to read if it's classified but also serves as a morale booster for me before competition day.
2010 is almost over and 2011, I am participating in two different events! In March there's cross country, that's alright, I've been training for long distance for close to a year but what I am worried the most is the 52nd National Track & Field Championships in April. Boo! I am in B'division, competing against people a year older than me. I want to qualify! Very soon, I will put up my schedule for training and this blog will be my "digital coach" for me. [:
Signing off~

perspiration & teardrops. those are the athletes who inspire me.

Greetings all people!
Kaixuan here with his athlete's autobiography.
I want to input every experience I've achieved into this blog because
every time I go for competition I always didn't perform as 100% on the track. ):
I wanna learn from my mistakes and run my best and hopefully others can benefit from this blog. Cheers!
PS. Cbox is always on your bottom right corner of the screen.

bold italic underline strike

hit the tracks.

[My 5 step principle]
1. Be calm, be cool and be on the blocks.

2. Step off the blocks as fast as possible.

3. Accelerate, get the rhythm.

4. Co-ordination and focus, maintain speed.

5. Finish with a dive.

my sites.


Spectators / Sponsors

Nike Running


December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
April 2011
July 2011
October 2011
February 2012
March 2012
April 2013


A surprise!
Come back soon.

heartfelt gratitude.

blogskin of invalid.love